Archive | December, 2007

Laser Tag Fun!

28 Dec

Today we are going Laser Tagging! First I’m going to Caity’s house, and then we will travel over to Tacoma and laser tag like old times. I’m very excited. I’ve missed Caity, a lot.

But there was no post-christmas blog, sorry, and I think I’m going to hold off on the Sweeney Todd review as well for awhile. I got a digital camcorder for Christmas, which was my favorite present of them all, so now I get to keep everything documented. And since I downloaded Final Cut Express on my laptop, I can really make movies if I want. I also got the Grey’s Anatomy Trivia game and Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s all very exciting.

My sister’s favorite gift was her henna kit that she got from our grandma. After she opened it all up, she gave everyone a henna tattoo, even my dad and my uncle. My dad got the Seahawks symbol and my uncle got “Mom” in a heart. They are dorks. Yes, they are. But the worst was my cousin, Cory. He’s 21 years old and my mom got him a Red Rider BB gun. Last year, she got him a leg lamp. Anyway, he had my sister draw a dotted line on his arm and write “Cut Here,” and on the other arm, he drew a penis, and quite a small one I may add. My Aunt Andrea, she was like “Shelly (Cory’s mom), has he ever seen one before?” He got a laugh from everyone, excluding my 8-year-old cousin who needed her eyes shielded from the disgrossting rendering of a penis. I’d really not like to know where he got the idea that they looked like that. Ack.

Oh, and I got this all on tape.

I should go now, sorry for the lame-ass short blog, but I have to help Mom clean the house before I leave later. It’s still all Christmasy and messy.

Happy soon-to-be New Years!

❤ Abby

I just watched “Once”

22 Dec

I couldn’t have watched a more perfect movie.

I’d listened to the soundtrack before actually seeing the movie, and now that I’ve seen the movie, I appreciate the music even more. I honestly just finished it, like 10 minutes ago, and my eyes are puffy. The ending is so sad, but it’s the best way to finish it. For heaven’s sakes, it’s called “Once.”

For anyone wondering what Once means, it means how many times in your life you meet that right person. I know, about as tear-jerker of a topic for me as a movie can get.

I loved how neither of them actually had names. The whole point is that it’s such a random encounter that can turn into “the one.” Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova were the main characters. When I first saw the dvd promos, I thought that they were almost the same age, but no. Marketa is a 19-year-old Czech pianist, and Glen is the 37-year-old frontman for the Irish rock band “The Frames.” So when I think about their ages, it’s a little weird, but she looks older than 19, and I think that the point may be that true love is where you least expect it, I guess.

I don’t know. It just made me sad. Good sad, not bad sad, but still…sad.

I’m not going to write a long, convoluted review of this one, because it’s so simple of a film, that it doesn’t really take that much explanation. It’s made in Ireland, didn’t a huge budget, has an amazing soundtrack (I suggest after watching it, which you WILL DO, go listen to the soundtrack over and over again), and is just…perfect. The story is so easy, but yet so difficult to pull off. Guy meets girl, yadda yadda yadda. “Once” definitely pulls it off.

Seriously, rent it. Watch it. Listen to the soundtrack. Write your own song, while you’re at it. Tell other friends to watch it. Soon.

❤ Abby

Well obviously…

21 Dec

I’m not at the Blake Lewis show, and I didn’t get to go. Cassie had to work, Libby had a scrimmage, and I sure as hell didn’t wanna go by myself. Let me tell you, this morning I was so mad.

He had a freaking CD signing afterwards!

I wanted to go!

But Kristine left this morning. I didn’t check my phone, so I don’t know if she texted me to let me know that she made it to the airport. I know that my sister was glad to get her room back, but now it seems kinda weird not having someone constantly at my house, just there. I’m never going to be able to live alone. I’ll go nuts. I’ll definitely need a dog. A big dog, almost human-like.

There are five days until Christmas, and that also means that there are four days until Caity gets home. Yay!

Oh, and I can’t believe that Tila picked Bobby. Dani was perfect for her, and I don’t know how she didn’t see it. Well, I guess no one actually knows what’s in her heart, so it’s always her decision. The public can’t pick the person that she loves. I really think that everyone was rooting for Dani. I really do.

I’m off to listen to some old-school 90s music.


❤ Abby

So…Hotmail sucks.

19 Dec

Whoever out there hacked into my email address again–you suck. I hate you. I’ve given up on hotmail. I’m broken up with hotmail, and now I’m with a little thing called Gmail. In Google I trust. Seriously, this is the second time in two weeks that this has happened. It’s ridiculous. I’m just going to forward all my important emails to my new address and save them there. And somehow add all my contacts. That will take the longest. And plus, foofightingabby was getting kind of annoying.

Screw you hotmail!

Oh yeah, and just in case the world wasn’t screwed up enough, Britney Spears’ little 16-year-old sister is pregnant…with her 19-year-old boyfriend’s baby!


❤ Abby

‘Twas the night before tonight!

16 Dec

‘Twas the night before break and all through the dorm, lots of people were stirring and studying more than the norm.

I sat at my desk, bored and aware, that tomorrow I would be going home and Kristine would be there!

I crammed for my history final, and then went to bed, while it was hard to fall asleep with all that was in my head.

The next morning after the 8-hour nap, I wandered over to Old Main to take care of all the finals crap.

Not everyone showed up, as if the grade didn’t matter, and the thought of my friends dropping out made me even sadder.

As soon as I was finished, I turned in my test and ran back to my dorm in a dash, my speed quickened as if I heard a crash.

After packing all of my clothes, and cleaning off the window the fake snow, nothing was left but my lamp and my giant dog pillow.

I just read the original Night before Christmas, and it’s way too long to write about this weekend in the form of that story, poem thing. It’s getting excruciatingly annoying to come up with words that actually rhyme like the poem does. So I’ll just talk about this weekend like any other normal blog.

Like I was saying, as soon as my final was over, I got out of there as quick as I could, thinking that I had to go pick up Kristine at the train station at 11:11 in Tacoma…little did I know, she texted me during my final, telling me that her train didn’t get in until 3-ish. I thought, “Oh good, now I get to hang out in Tacoma for four hours! Yay!” But it actually turned out to be a pretty fulfilling day. I went to go see Laura at her work at the fish market. Holy crap it smelled like fish. I know, duh. I should have expected it, but it was nice to just talk to her. After she finished stapling all the boxes, we went to lunch at the Spar. They have really good homemade Spar chips. You must taste them.

But then it was only 1 o’clock ish. I had two hours left to kill, because I didn’t feel like driving over the bridge twice that day. So I went to the mall, by myself. It was a very odd experience, being at the mall alone. It felt a little like the first day of college. But with one less familiar person. I did get some very necessary shopping done. Not so much christmas shopping, but something that I was desperately in need of. And I’m not using hyperbole, I seriously needed what I purchased.

2:02 pm–Kristine had yet to call me to let me know that they were at the Olympia station, but I decided to make my way to my car. It’s a little bit of a trip to get to the train station, as it is to find your way around the mall alone. I arrived at the train station at about 2:45. Kristine called me 15 minutes later. It takes about 40 minutes to get to Tacoma from Olympia. I didn’t care. No more driving for me until it was time to go. I obviously wasn’t tired. So I took Izzy out and watched the live version of “Rough Around the Edges.” Dane Cook helps to pass the time.

After Dane finished his schpeel about the “herpolie urpolies,” I saw the crows all scatter. I knew that the train was coming. It was nice to see Kristine, and it was nice that she wasn’t even hesitant when I hugged her. I’d missed people. Not that I don’t love them, but I’d really only seen Andrea, Laura and Michael since school started. But mom got everything ready at home, and when we got back, my sister’s room was clean. It was glorious. Miraculous. There isn’t really a word to describe how I felt when I my sister’s room clean.

My house didn’t seem nearly as exciting as the new “Journalism lab.” No, it will always been the Outlook room. Room 530. The room that’s hard to explain where it is. Not the journalism lab. Don’t even try. It sounds cool, but it’s like “fetch,” it’s never going to happen! But once we arrived, people got so excited to see Kristine, mostly because I’d already visited a couple times already anyway. We stayed for 5 hours, I swear. Editors gave us jobs, and Loren shushed me. He shushed me, and I shushed. I never thought that Loren would have that power over me. Oh well. Omi, Loren, Andi and I worked on a headline for 2 hours…I’m pretty sure of it. We came up with ‘Fly-tying picasso finds future in fishing.’ They changed picasso to prodigy the next day, but hey, ours was pretty good.

Thursday was nothing compared to friday. I slept in so late, I felt like a selfish, lazy cat. I ended up sleeping on the couch because Libby slept in my bed and I did not want to have her getting up at 6:00 am while I went to bed at 2:00 am. So we slept in. So what? No school, no work. Nothing to do. So we sleep. It did help make the day a lot shorter. At 2:00 ish, Kristine called Elizabeth, and she told us that she was going to paste-up. But the time depended on the brownies. Typical Elizabeth. Just like old times. Once we arrived, Derek said that it was a cutest thing…and it pretty much was. We opened the door, and I’ve never seen Kristine move so fast. One would have thought that it had been years with how happy they were to see each other and how they hugged. I was kind of surprised that no one else was there, in terms of alum, but we stayed for about an hour, because we didn’t really have anything to do after Elizabeth leaved.

But later was better. Later was much better. After our misguided attempt to see a movie, we journeyed back to paste-up after Paula called us in an almost incomprehensible phone call. All I could hear was “Cassandra.” So I knew that more alum were there at least. The three of us, Kristine, Libby and I walked in, and there was Cassandra and Larissa, copy-editing in Leland Smith’s room. And in room 530, Callie and Mary Rose. And in Taylor Buck’s office talking to TK, Elaine. And a little later, Patrick came back, then Gibson. It felt like home. I’d been back to Outlook since the beginning of the year, but this really felt like I was back home. It made it official, school was out for Christmas. The only two people who were really missing were Caity and Missy. Once Mary Rose, Callie, Elaine, Patrick, Gibson, Kristine and I had made our way over to Smith’s room, it made me miss Caity even more. It almost felt complete. But for now, it was great. It honestly made my day…no, my week. It didn’t matter what we talked about, just as long as it was us. And you really do not want to hear what we talked about.


Don’t ask.

(Oh, and I know who actually reads this, so all of you who do–Smith’s slideluck potshow is a good idea. We do need to all get together in an outside paste-up setting. Plus, Caity can’t make it to paste-up anyway, so we must, must, must!)

I really don’t think that anything that happened today or anything that will happen in the next week can top last night.

❤ Abby

Last full day

12 Dec

I’m stuck here for the rest of the day…and I’m so glad that I’m picking Kristine up tomorrow morning after my history final. So freaking glad you have no idea. I just wanna go home. I want to be home, stay home…and see all my friends.

Paste-up is tomorrow and friday, and I hope hope hope that a lot of us show up, because it would be amazing. Or amazering as Christina says it.

But I’m in my room, all by my lonesome. No one really here worth talking to. I should be studying…but I’m not. I swear, today is the laziest day EVER. I woke up about 8:30…had some breakfast…took a shower….picked up my prescription…ate lunch….took a nap…called some people….and now this. I should have accomplished a lot more than this by 3:30, but who really fucking cares?

I’m pretty syked that Bla–wait, did I just say ‘syked?’ Holy shit–anyway, that Blake Lewis is coming to do a show at the Showbox in the 20th of this month, and I really really really wanna go. I have a doctor’s appointment that day, but we could go afterwards. When I think about it, concerts could become regular activities for me next year if I go to UW. But I’d like to see him. It would be very cool.

I guess I’ll stop writing now. I like how I said that I’d take a hiatus on my blog, when I didn’t even try. I have been writing in my journal though. I’ve gone halfway. But I should go study.

19 hours to go!

And 6.5 hours until TEEEEELUUUUUUHHHHH! (Tila)

❤ Abby

Hotmail sucks

11 Dec

This is bad.

Very bad.

I can’t express how bad it is.

My email got hacked into. I swear, or it got deleted, but that would be even worse.

I tried signing into my hotmail account this morning, and my password doesn’t work. It just…doesn’t work. I tried sending it to an alternate email, but I checked the only email accounts that I had when I got my hotmail account, and no emails yet. And then I tried to answer my secret question, and it was “My favorite Fictional Character”… I swear I didn’t use that for my secret question when I first got my email. So I don’t know how to get my email back. I emailed customer service, so I hope that they can give it back to me. There are emails there that I need, and some I just don’t want to lose.

Like some of the emails that I received last year from my Outlookers when I was in the hospital, and a bunch of other various saved emails.

So if you get any fucked up emails from me in the next day or two, ignore them. I’ll update once I get my password back.

I’m pissed.

Hotmail…no, hacker…YOU SUCK!

❤ Abby


8 Dec

I should be studying, but I can’t help but not. It’s friday. All my assignments are done…really. And the only test that I have is on thursday next week. Why does my test have to be in 6 days? I feel like I have nothing to do. For the last three days, I’ve felt very productive. I’ve written two reviews in the last few days for my journalism final, both of which I’ve posted here. I’ve taken down all the notes I need to study for my history final, which is in 6 days. I hate waiting. I have my final japanese project due on monday, which I already have done. Ahhh…why did I do all my homework so soon? No more UNI101, no more math…and it’s only 11:46 for crying out loud!

So, I’m actually surprisingly not worried about much. I’m just too excited for going home and seeing all my friends again. I missed my friends…holy crap did I. I’m excited for paste-up and having friends come stay with me. And home-cooked meals. MY home-cooked meals. I don’t care if the counter says “classics”…I don’t eat catfish on a regular basis thank you very much. We seriously went to the Panda Express instead of eating in the cafeteria. I will be so glad to go home and cook. I’ll even be glad to go to eat at paste-up. Shoot. I miss those carbs.

But we’re so bored that we’re watching Pretty in Pink…after Shelly played the Sims and I’m writing this.

We’re in college…this is ridiculous.

❤ Abby

“Audio Day Dream” much less of an ADD experience as expected, but danceable as hell.

7 Dec

I’ll admit it. I watch American Idol. And last season, even with how horrific Sanjaya was, I still had faith in the greater Seattle area. Runner-up Blake Lewis defied all American Idol odds, and he made it pretty damn far for a beat-boxing kid from Bothell. So when I heard that his new album, “Audio Day Dream” was coming out, I was ecstatic. Not only was he cute, he was talented. The whole American Idol package if you ask me.

His album pleasantly surprised me. I thought that Seattle only bred Death Cab and Nirvana wannabes, but who would have thought that a beat-boxing pop star would come from Seattle. He’s plenty different from the common American Idol story. His album, released on Arista Records on Dec. 4, just in time for the holidays, didn’t have such a blaring affiliation with AI, even though it was released just two weeks after AI winner, 17-year-old Jordin Sparks’ album “Tattoo” made it’s way on to all tweens’ iPods.

The good thing about producing not completely with American Idol—you can write all your damn music. You don’t pick from a selection of prewritten ditties for your debut. That’s what’s evident on Lewis’s record—appropriately the album art in a simulated ’45 record—it’s signature Blake. He said himself that he had the concept long before American Idol and that music has always been his life. I especially loved the collaboration with Lupe Fiasco “Know my name.” It had the most attitude of all the tracks, and was great to belt out to.

I could have just been me, but some of the appeal I think came from the pop-ness of it all. I’m not much of an MTV fan, and most of the music that pervades their channel at least the 2 hours a day that they show videos, causes me to quickly change the channel. But Audio Day Dream is a mixture of electronica, hip-hop and pop, and some of it reminds me of Justin Timberlake’s NSYNC days. Seriously. And I enjoy the nostalgic feeling I get when I listen to “End of the World” and “Without You.” I feel like there should be four other guys backing him up and trendy dance moves to go along with it. And he can really sing. That’s double the awesome.

Along with the synchronized dance move, “She’s Makin’ Me Lose It” had a new and interesting vibe to it. For some reason, it reminded me of updated Prince. Everything—the guitar riff, the falsetto, the back-up vocals and the beat—just with some synthesizers added. I’m not to sure if that was good decision, but it’s sure fun to dance to.

I’ll have to be honest, I expected a little more crazy from Blake. I thought that he would be beat boxing on almost every track and mess with current styles and make them his own. That could be because I was so used to him doing that on AI, but the lack diversity in the tracks was a little disappointing, and they felt about as polished as Blake’s spiky coif. I’m a perfectionist, so I can understand wanting everything to be perfect, but then I think about his live performances.

Lewis is a great performer, and he’s plenty entertaining on his own, and I think that he would have made a fine record using his own natural talents. He already proved that he can sing and beat box like no other, so why cut down what makes him so unique to 10-second clips at the end of a handful of songs and a minute-long declaration of his alter ego, “B-Shorty?” I say go all out. Go crazy and bring it all to the table. I don’t think that Blake did that.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good album for his first album, but another downside to American Idol, America already knows what Blake can do. If this is what we get from him as the first major release, we have high expectations for his second release, whenever it may be.

As one that despises most mainstream pop, I actually won’t change the station when Blake’s single “Break Anotha” comes on the radio. I may even buy the album…no, I’ll download it. That’s how I get all my music anyway. Opposed to Shop Boyz’ “Party Like a Rock Star,” “Audio Day Dream” is filled with dance hits for all types—high school dances, clubs, even future karaoke parties.

If I were a DJ, I’d put Blake Lewis on the top of my playlist.

Eh, screw it

1 Dec

So fine. I have horrible will power. But hey, I’ve already come up with my new years’ resolution. First, I’m going to write a book, not a whole book in one year, mind you, but I’ll start one and be determined to finish it. And my second resolution-to call Smith Derek from now on. I know, I know. It’ll be hard. But I’ve made pretty good progress so far.

But anyway, why I actually decided to write.

Dane Cook.


Andrea, Libby, Chandler, my Uncle and I all went to go see Dane Cook last night at the Key Arena. Let me tell you, it was pretty darn awesome. It didn’t start on time…in fact, it started 45 minutes late. People trailed in so late it was ridiculous. People started the wave to get him to come out, people were stomping “DANE DANE DANE!” In other words, people got antsy. (You see how I avoided “needless to say”?) Anyway, we were pretty high up in the stadium. But it eventually filled up, about 40 minutes in. He started off with a crazy video with all the people who sent in pictures of their SUper Finger. Funny thing was, my mom asked later in the night, “did he have an opener?” Ha! Dane Cook needing an opener? No. Obviously not. He freaking filled up 15,000 seats. He’s like a rock star.

He started off talking a lot about holidays, which was nice, because it’s near the holidays. He didn’t include that on the Madison Square Garden Live Album, which is what kinda sucks about listening to comedians on CD. You never get the same act twice. And trust me, nobody will ever see this act again.

About 15-20 minutes in, I can’t for the life of me remember what he was talking about, but this guy jumped on stage. Seriously. He came out of the audience and jumped on the giant, circular stage with the SUFI emblem. At first, I wasn’t sure if this was apart of it or not, but when Dane got all freaked out and said “dude, calm down, get off the stage,” I figured that it wasn’t planned. So the security guards get on the stage and take the guy…and his girlfriend away! I thought to myself, “what an asshole! If you were gonna be that stupid, why not wait until the end to get the whole show?” After that Dane was all “so, now there’s this weird silence in here like right after Daddy hit Mommy at the dinner table. You guys wanna talk about this or what?” Everyone cheered and then he went on.

“I bet that guy’s ultimate aspiration in life was “I wanna trade shirts with Dane Cook!” Because the guy actually started to take off his shirt and wanted to trade with Dane…ON STAGE! Kinda weird, but hey, that’s Seattle for you.

I’m not sure if this whole show was as funny as Vicious Circle, but it was way more sexual. Dane talked a lot about condoms, herpes, possible pregnancies, and pretty much everything sex. Let me just tell you, our new euphemism for sex is “You’re not gonna borrow his chapstick!” For myself, I’m never gonna look at lip balm and Cold Stone the same again. Never gonna have the “Gotta Have It” size again. I honestly felt bad for my Uncle, because the seats were quite cramped, and I could tell in his face he was thinking “holy shit my niece is listening to this!” My sister’s 15, she can handle a handful of f-bombs and some talk of condoms breaking. Dane had a whole noble purpose anyway. After his whole pregnancy shpeel (I know that I didn’t spell that right) he said “Practice safe sex!”

At about 9:30 ish, he went off stage for the first time. People started filing out, thinking that it was over. Dumbasses.

About 2 minutes later, Dane ran back onstage for his usual encore. Honestly, most comedians don’t get encores from almost 15,000 people. That’s saying something. So he came back out to talk a little more, and he goes into one of everyone’s favorite jokes, the atheist sneezer. As soon as he mentioned sneeze, the crowd started cheering. It was awesome. But after that, he ended with “you guys know what my worst favorite sound is EVER?!” Then a car alarm came on the loud speaker. I could hear almost everyone yelling “hellllooooooooo! I’m a caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr! Back seat….trunk space!”


Actually, $30. But worth every penny. And Dane Cook is one hot man.


I don’t think that there’s anything else worth writing about right now. It was nice to head into paste-up for about 5 minutes and see Heidi and Mary Rose and Derek (I didn’t even hesitate writing it!)…and everyone else.

❤ Abby