About Me

I’m a writer. I write about things on this blog from typical college life to music news, to movie reviews, to concert reviews. I write for my college newspaper – the Ledger – a mixture of opinions, news stories, and entertainment reviews. I’m currently the production editor, next in line to be editor-in-chief. But that is, of course, if all goes well. I write various articles for the music site, PopWreckoning, including album reviews, music news, and concert reviews. There’s been a novel saved on my hard drive for three years, and month after month, I write maybe a page or two. But I have no idea if I’ll ever finish. I’ve also written a couple short films and have had a hand in directing them, but I wouldn’t call myself a director in any sense of the word.

I’m a photographer. I fell into being the interim photographer for the Ledger sophomore when our main photographer took an internship, then graduated. It was mainly because I was the only one with an SLR – my baby, Canon Rebel XTi. Since then, I’ve purchased a couple new lenses other than the 18mm-55mm kit lens that came with the Rebel four years ago when I got it for Christmas. I like shooting school events. It’s tedious sometimes to have to actually go to school events, but it’s good practice for things that I’m actually interested in. More recently, I started shooting concerts in Seattle for PopWreckoning. I freaking love it.

Other than that, I’ve turned into the family photographer and the main photographer for my mother’s Antique Store, Today’s Country Store in Sumner, WA.

I’m a designer. Adobe InDesign is THE greatest program that ever existed. It can do ANYTHING. Then of course Photoshop. Actually Adobe is superior to all Microsoft programs and most Apple programs. Don’t try and argue with me. I know what I’m talking about.

Take your time browsing.

And there are a few other places that I exist on the web.

❤ Abby

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