Archive | December, 2008

Sending off 2008

31 Dec

I’ll be posting later right before Laura’s party, but this is the first part to my two-parter send off.

First of all – the final song of ’08.

We Are Scientists – New Me

So, it’s kind of fitting for the new year, but the other couple songs that I tried to upload wouldn’t work because Mediafire said that they had viruses. Oh well. My mac isn’t affected…bahahaha.

I’ll be back later.

❤ Abby

Do you know what’s annoying?

30 Dec

When you’re sitting in a nice cozy coffee shop and every person who walks out the door leaves the door wide open.

There’s a breeze, people!

I may be dressed warm, but it’s awkward to have one leg being the only thing that’s cold on my body.

And you may be saying “Abby, then why don’t you get up and close the door? You’re being lazy.”

Why, yes I am. And if I do, someone else will just leave the door open, and I’m on a roll with my novel. Although currently I’m pausing to rant for two minutes.

I’m waiting and novelling at Bert’s until Libby gets out of volleyball practice at TCC at 7. We went shopping today, because Libby and I had Christmas money, and I needed to get out of the house. I couldn’t believe how fucking crowded Hot Topic was. And it was filled with all tiny chicks. A whole shitload of Twilighters. It was weird. Normally, it’s not empty, but it’s not that crowded. The checkout guy was really friendly though. In fact, with how dark and noisy it is in Hot Topic, they have the nicest workers. Our checkout guy called himself the Hot Topic Samurai, and he had a tiny ponytail on top of his head, which was also wrapped in a headband. And he was Asian.

It’s always fun eavesdropping on tweens when they come into Bert’s, because they have the funniest conversations…and…OMG, one of them just read my mind. “Can we close the door? It’s kind of cold.”


And the barista is quite cute. He just got one of the tweens her hot chocolate. I love how they aren’t even old enough to need coffee. They will. Very soon.

I think I’ll go back to novelling a little before I try to go find TCC again to pick up Libby at 7 o’clock.

I am going to finish this novel. I promise. This year. 2009 will be good. 2009 will be a successful year.

(Oh, and I already technically had my download today, since I posted at like 2:30 this morning as I was attempting to teach my mother coding. Most. Useless. Idea. Ever.)

(And one more thing – I watched “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” today, and it’s fucking hilarious. I totally didn’t expect to see Jason Segel’s cock that many times.)

❤ Abby

From my (not new) but improved Mac

30 Dec

So I FINALLY bought OSX today, and it’s quite fantastic. If only I had my external hard drive right now as well, fore that would make Izzie UNSTOPPABLE! Okay, maybe I’m over exaggerating, but still, it’s exciting. I’d like to see how Boot Camp works, but I’d much prefer borrowing someone else’s copy of Windows rather than trying to find a huge-ass torrent of it, besides, the ones that I’ve tried haven’t finished, in about 3 days, which is obnoxious.

You know what else is obnoxious? Your mother trying to learn how to manage a blog. I mean, honestly? Both she and I are impatient people, and when we don’t know how to do something, oh boy, people know it. She gets frustrated easily, and I get frustrated easily. So naturally, it’s a frustrating experience trying to explain to her how to insert photos into a blog post. And for some stupid reason, a friend of hers got her into using Typepad, which doesn’t fucking use HTML, it’s like old school Microsoft Word-like shit. So it makes me feel like a smartass when I try to tell her things that to me, are quite obvious – but to her – they are a foreign language.

Recently, technology has been good to me, so I’m getting more hopeful that I’ll have a good year. It’s often a theme in my life – if my computer goes kaput, then my issues got way up – if my ipod phone doesn’t die, then my life is in a completely zen-like state. We got the Wii finally working – I can play Smash Bros. whenever I want to get out any anger, or Wii boxing.

I just hope that 2009 turns out to be a better year for just about…everything. Especially for the grocery stores. Last night when I went to Albertson’s for spaghetti fixins, they were literally out of ground turkey. Just plain old ground turkey. They had ground turkey breast, which has about as much moisture as toast, so I got the pre-italian seasoned turkey, which tasted a little funny when we put it in the spaghetti, but it was better than toast.

I totally missed my download yesterday, sorry.

Oh, and I’m finally done with PETCO…YES!

Oxford Collapse – Please visit your national parks

❤ Abby

I hate my dog sometimes

27 Dec

I swear, I’m surprised that my eardrums aren’t blown. I took Millie for a bath tonight, and she was a little better than before with the hose and blow dryer, but for some stupid reason, she just kept fucking barking. I couldn’t get her nails cut, she jumped on me multiple times, and I had to leave early because I thought she was going to have a spaz attack. And now she’s all chill. Ugh.

I pretty much had a bad day, except two things – Blackberry activated and well…I saw someone at work today.

Girl Talk – Doesn’t Really Matter

❤ Abby

Happy Christmas!

26 Dec

Sufjan Stevens: Come on, let’s boogey to the elf dance!

Sorry I waited until the end of the day to post my Christmas song. I was not at home all day. I literally got home from Gary’s at 1:30 and left for Grandma Louise and Dave’s at 2 to get there before our cousins left at 3.

I won’t be too talkative this weekend, fore tomorrow we’ll be setting up my new cell phone, and then working, and saturday Libby and I will be setting up the Wii while the parentals are at my aunt and uncle’s crab feed.

But sunday will be my last work day, so there will be more time for me to novel. Yay!

❤ Abby

Download of the day

24 Dec

So, since I figured out how to use Mediafire, I decided to do a download of the day, just cause.

Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve, and I’m UBER excited.

Boy Kill Boy- Suzie
This band is one my favorite new UK finds of the year. I’ll be posting a lot of UK bands, because they rock more than most American bands.

❤ Abby

Good song…testing this filesharing website

22 Dec

The Morning Benders-Loose Change

I’ll be using this site more often now to spread my lovely findings…for your benefits.

❤ Abby

I feel so productive

19 Dec

I’m not technically doing anything that I should be doing, like looking for a new job, or cleaning the house, or working out, or finding a cure for cancer (okay, that last one is a little unreachable), but I am working on my novel. I’m already 27 pages in, which means that I have about 300 left to go. I’d like to have a good-sized novel, one that’s actually legitimate, that may get some respect once I go through the bazillion drafts before I go find a publisher. But I’m totally serious about this. If Stephanie Meyer can get published and become a best-selling author, why can’t I? I think I’m a better writer than she is. I think I could outwrite S. Meyer. Maybe not outsell her, since teenage girls go crazy for Twilight. It’s like crack to them. It doesn’t make that much sense. I could be the fact that Bella is so void of a character, that any lonely little teenage girl can put herself in the story in place of Bella, and they can fall in love with a sparkly vampire.

But this wasn’t the reason I wrote this blog, I’ve had enough entries ranting about Twilight, but I did write this entry to give everyone an excerpt from my novel, so far.

Erika’s house was confusing to maneuver through. I walked behind Aimee trying to find Erika and the rest of the editors. As soon as you entered Erika’s house, there was a long set of stairs that went what seemed like straight down. We made our way down the narrow stairs, still baffled as to what exactly we were doing there.

“Marie, do you know where they are?” Aimee asked, as we shuffled down the stairs.

“Don’t look at me! I know just as much as you.”

Just then, I felt a cold hand over my mouth and someone put a blindfold over my eyes, although I could still make out what was on the other side of the blindfold. Greg turned me around and led me to another part of the house, not saying a word—I’m not sure if he knew that I knew it was him. Aimee and Pete followed us, and we soon saw a bright back porch with all the other editors sitting in a circle in the grass. Greg brought me to the middle of the circle and sat me down before he took his place outside the circle. Pete sat Aimee right behind me, and I could tell that she was a little more frightened than I, as her glasses needed a new prescription and she couldn’t see a thing. One by one, more of us newbies arrived, and the same thing happened to them as did to us. We sat in the circle for 15 minutes, and no one spoke. It was an eerie feeling, even though we knew we were outside on the grass.

“Welcome to the Cerberus staff retreat!” Erika finally shouted. “That was your first task, and all of you passed.”


So that’s one part of it. Here’s another, completely out of context.

“Oh, Penelope called, and Beth wants to go to the basketball game tonight. So if you go, you can drop her off, right?”

“Of course mother.” For some reason, my mom always called me while I was driving, but she never actually wanted me to answer the phone. And when I didn’t answer the phone, she would get really angry because she didn’t know where I was. She put me in an annoying catch-22.

“Thank you.”

“Wait, what did Penelope say?”


She hung up on me.

As I passed Exits 129 and 130, the adult superstore, the all-night eatery, and the dozens of car dealerships, I wondered why Penelope had called, because she never called. Not once in my entire time on staff.

Was someone there? Did she need my help? Was something wrong?

I was too excited to really stop and get gas, which I desperately needed. I’d been running on empty since exit 117. But I think that the amount of adrenaline that I had could run my car all the way to Seattle instead of the petroleum gas that dispensed from the gas station at $3.40 a gallon. We were in an oil crisis. Damn overseas trade.

As soon as I pulled into the familiar bus parking lot of Inland Bay, I recognized many more cars than I had all year. I saw Russ’s blue bug, Mark’s mammoth 4×4 truck, Regan’s blue mini hybrid, and one car that I hadn’t seen in a long time—the 80s red hatchback.

The hatchback that had escorted myself and four of my peers around town to sell ads sophomore year.

It had been a year and a half since I’d seen that red hatchback.

I peered around the corner back to where the door to room 350 stood, and I could see Greg through the window.

And the biggest smile came upon my face.

So let me know what you think, and if you’re interesting in seeing any more of it, too bad. Because that’s all I’m giving up as of now.

❤ Abby

Holiday photos

17 Dec

These are our gingerbread houses.

And this one’s our Christmas card photo, because it’s funny.

I’ve done enough writing for the last couple days

16 Dec

But I’ll do some more. Why not?

So, as one can tell, I’ve officially switched over to WordPress…sorry Blogger. I’ll miss you.

What day is it? December 16th already??? Wow. We only have nine days until Christmas, but I’m already done with my shopping. I finished today when Mom and I went to the Silverdale Mall, which is WAY better than the Tacoma Mall, however, they don’t have a Torrid at the Silverdale Mall, or a Hot Topic…I think. I didn’t really check. We just went to get Dad’s present, one more thing for Libby, and Mom had to pick up something for her work partner, Amy. Well, Amy needed her to pick something up for her daughter Molly. Amy lives in Sumner, and she was about to get snowed in, and she couldn’t make her way to SIlverdale, so she called everywhere to find this ridiculous white, puffy vest with a fur collar. Bland-o-rama, right?

But when she finally found this piece of crap, the woman working at Hollister had to save it in the back room waiting for my mom to come pick it up.

Yes, we had to got o Hollister. A terrible experience. It was loud, and dark, and cramped, and kind of confusing to find your way around. I couldn’t hear anything, and all the decorations were incredibly unnecessary and pretentious. And the freaking vest that Molly just had to have was $85 dollars. A vest! It’s not even a full coat. I’d understand if a big, warm coat was $85 dollars (I wouldn’t buy it) but a vest is half a coat, which means that it should be half the price.

It just further solidified why I don’t shop at Hollister. Or Abercrombie. Is there really a difference? One advertises shirtless men and one advertises beach-soaked babes. Really, Hollister? Do you think you’re in California? The store was so O.C., I felt like I was in a weird universe that was in denial of where they actually were.

Oh well. I don’t buy hella expensive clothes for no reason.

I know there was something else I wanted to write about… what was it?

Right! I finally saw Wall-E. I can’t believe I waited until now to see it, because it was awesome and adorable. It gave a whole new meaning to “nerd love” – it was robot love! What I totally didn’t expect was the message against lazy consumers that the whole movie embodied. I mean, all the people living on Axium, this space station, were obese immobile slobs who sat in front of a screen all day waiting for their robots to bring them things. And this was 775 years in the future. That would be really scary if it actually turned out that way. Holy shit.

And I rented Wall-E for free. There are perks of having friends who work at Hollywood Video. 😉 I just can’t return the movies late, because then it have been a total waste for me to get free movies.

Andrea, Laura, Libby and I made gingerbread houses last night. I’ll be posting the pictures of them soon.

❤ Abby