Tag Archives: seattle

it was so jokes

9 May

This post is a day too late, but it was super late when I was getting to bed. But then again, it’s almost 2 am right now. But who needs sleep? NOT ME! Hell, it’s layout weekend. I bet Sarah, Alexis and Lana aren’t sleeping right now. So I don’t need to either!

Plus, I went and saw Iron Man 2 tonight, and it was AWESOME.

But that’s not the point of this post!

Last night was w00tstock. Wil Wheaton, Adam Savage, Paul and Storm, MC Frontalot, Loading Ready Run, Stepto, Molly Lewis, and…wait, what’s this? HANK GREEN!

Yes, it is a Hank Green!

But I’ll get to that later.

I’ve never been in a bigger gathering of awesome nerds in my life. It was funny, because it was a COMPLETELY different crowd than I’ve ever been in at any venues in Seattle. Normally I’m surrounded by 18-year-old fangirls and hipsters. But then again, nerds don’t usually leave their house unless they have to. And this was one of those times.

I sat down next to this girl and her dad. I didn’t say anything but “hi” right off the bat, but I soon learned that I’d been seated next to another legitimate nerdfighter. When Wil Wheaton came out on stage and announced all the people, the girl to my right cheered the loudest at Hank’s name. Another nerdfighter? Awesome! I thought to myself. Eventually I found out that her name was Katelyn, and she was from Monroe. She complimented my “I Are Scientists” tee shirt, as did several other people throughout the night, which felt pretty cool. But Katelyn told me that Hank was the main reason that she drove down from Monroe that night. And we both kind of sang along to Anglerfish, which was so jokes. I wasn’t expecting to find anyone else there, because no one responded to my posts at the Ning, but it was all fine in the end.

But I won’t jump ahead.

Wil Wheaton is so cool. Like, so cool. Throughout the night, we had ceiling cat staring at us from the projector desktop.

This ceiling cat. He was on the desktop of the laptop controlling the videos and introductions for each act. At one point the screen saver came on and everyone started laughing.

Wil said several times throughout the night when the audience laughed at EXTRA obscure nerdy references, “I love you guys.” And he made several Doctor Who references, my favorite being how he called the theater he first saw Rocky Horror in “Tardis-like.”

“It seemed bigger on the inside.” Hehe.

Speaking of that, Wil told us a story about the first time he saw Rocky, and how he lost his Rocky virginity. And Paul and Storm provided the soundtrack for that story. It was adorable.

Molly Lewis also played last night, 4 songs I believe, the last one being “Conjunction Junction” with Jason Finn from the Presidents of the United States of America. I got lots of video of her, but I haven’t uploaded it to Youtube yet. Once I do, I’ll add it here. It was funny, because when I heard about who was going to be at w00tstock, I was like, “hey, Molly Lewis opened for Chris Hardwick last month!” She was pretty cool, with her Wikipedia breakup song and another one about how she wants to have Stephen Fry’s babies.

So I’m not going to explain the entire show, because that would be really long, because it was a good 3.5 hours of awesome geeky nerdiness. The intermission came and I went to see what kinda merch I could get. I ended up getting a w00tstock tee shirt, which came with a poster. The girl at the merch table was one of the people who complimented me on my WAS shirt.

I can’t remember if Stepto was before or after the intermission, but Stephen Toulouse, the director of Xbox Live, came out and gave a “sermon,” if you will, about all the douchebags on Xbox live. It was the story of the aptly named “p00nhun+er” and his asshole gaming ways and vulgar video feed. I don’t have an Xbox, but I’m guessing that it’s a common problem. Two of the members of Loading Ready Runs stood next to Stepto in brown hooded robes, and there was a giant ancient-looking book that he read from.

“Be thou not a dick,” he said. Guaranteed that bit got some of the biggest laughs. Because even if you don’t play Xbox live, you understand the internet assholes. It’s the whole freaking internet, and there are bound to be dickbags.

Now onto the best – well, most anticipated – part of the night. Wil, I think Wil introduced him, got up on stage and mentioned something about Youtube and DFTBA records, and Katelyn and I cheered madly.

I’m pretty sure at that point in the night, he did. I doubt that the most people were there to see Hank, but the people who were there to see him were quite possibly the loudest. I only got video of “Quarks,” because I saw my LOW BATTERY signal, and didn’t want it to die if I was going to take a picture with Hank afterwards. Idiotically enough, I forgot to get a picture with Hank at the end, but what I got was so much better. After my marvelous filming, Hank played “A Song About An Anglerfish” and “What Would Captain Picard Do?” And Hank mentioned how weird it was to be playing the latter song in a room with Wil Wheaton (most famously known as Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: TNG, if you don’t know). It was so cool sitting there with Katelyn singing along to Anglerfish and being completely enthralled by one of my favorite Youtubers. I couldn’t stop smiling. In fact, I couldn’t really stop smiling the whole night, except for the sudden “ouch” faces I made when Adam Savage showed us extra special footage of an upcoming episode of Mythbusters. I gotta tell you, it’s gonna be SO GOOD.

In fact, Adam did bust the myth that Jamie isn’t intentionally funny. He told us about this interview with Billy Bob Thornton, who said something like sleeping with Angelina Jolie is like fucking a couch. And Jamie said, according to Adam, “If my couch looked like Angelina Jolie, I’d fuck it.”

And just picture those words coming out of THIS FACE.

Jamie doesn’t try to be funny. HE JUST IS.

After Adam’s hilarious stories about latex jumpsuits, drunken treadmills and Jamie’s junk, there was one final song from Paul and Storm, about Pirates. What made it so great was that when the audience was cued, we’d answer with a resounding “ARRRRHHH.” But say they asked us a question like, “what was your favorite science fiction film?” “STARRR WARRRRS.”
“Who was your favorite character?”
“Who was your least favorite character?”
Apparently most of the crowd was very hateful toward Jar Jar Binks.
And the song went on like that for about ten minutes.
“Who’s your favorite host of the Tonight Show?”
And this was perfect. Wil Wheaton answered that question with, “Conan O’Brien!”

It made me smile. Like I wasn’t already smiling, right?

So at the end of the show, I went and got my tee shirt, went to pee chatted with Katelyn for a bit, thinking that the line was to have everyone – including Hank – sign something. After I got at the end of the line, cause I wasn’t about to cut in front of people, I saw that Katelyn had already gone to the lobby floor and was talking with Hank. I ran around the long line, too impatient to stand in line for that long, even if it was Adam Savage and Wil Wheaton. But at that point it wasn’t even them in the lobby signing things. It was Paul and Storm.

I walked over to Hank and Katherine, who were talking with Molly Lewis at the time, and another girl walked up next to be and had him sign something. I said hello, introduced myself, and right then and there Hank gave me a hug! Like, I didn’t even say anything but my name, and I was in Hank’s hug bucket! I must say, he’s way tall in person. You don’t really get to see on Youtube, because he and John are always sitting down, and they’re in a tiny video screen. I told Hank how excited I was to be there, and that I wasn’t going to go, until I heard that he was going to be a part of w00tstock. Totally true. And then in seeing his large black Sharpie, it hit me!

“Could you sign my bag? I’m gonna try and turn it into a thing, where I get really cool people to sign it!”
“Who do you have so far?”
“Chris Hardwick.”
“Is that a cat, with a gun?”
“Yes, it’s a gun-wielding cougar.” I didn’t bother trying to explain it, because no one but us Sci-Cavers would really get it. Actually Markas pointed that out to me today.
“That bag is so indie.”
“Yeah, but unless you get the reference!”
“No one will get the reference. That’s why it’s so indie.”
“But that’s not a bad thing. I didn’t spend $40 on it at Urban Outfitters!”
“That makes it even more indie!”

Anyway, so I had Hank sign my bag (he has beautiful handwriting, btw) and I thanked him profusely for coming to Seattle on this glorious night of geek and awesome. As I walked back to my car, I literally wanted to skip. Seriously. But it was about 11:30 on a friday night on 2nd street, and I could have easily been accosted if I started skipping. But once I did get to my car at the garage 4 blocks over, I did squee quite a bit sitting in the driver’s seat. And I did all the way home. I texted Adrian while I was driving, which is a terrible idea, but I had to tell someone, and no one else in my contact list would understand my excitement. And it was damn exciting, damnit!

I’m in Hank’s hug bucket now!


Okay, I’m done.

❤ Abby


22 Apr

I took that video. Eddie Vedder. Fuck yeah.

But I’ll get to that in a bit.

I’ve told quite a few people this, but I feel like something bad is going to happen to me soon. I mean really. It’s like the stars have been doing a conga line in my favor for the past 3 weeks. I’m serious. I don’t mean to gloat, but this is a list of everything good that has happened to me in the last 3 weeks.

1. I got editor-in-chief.
2. I got press-passed to Spoon.
3. I inexplicably got after-show passes to Spoon, in turn, meeting them.
4. I got groped by Chris Hardwick, then met him, and he signed my gun-wielding cougar bag (yes, in that order).
5. I got press passed to Florence + the Machine, who was amazing.
7. Mom and I went and saw Conan on Monday, which was already awesome…
8. …but then he brought out special guest EDDIE VEDDER. WHAT THE HELL?
9. And mom got out of a ticket for a moving violation after Conan’s show in Seattle.

Now my car needs to explode or something. Or my hard drive will die. Or we won’t get all new technology for Ledger next year. Oh god please not that.

Or maybe karma is coming back around after all the crap that happened from 2006-2008. I mean, I got a life-threatening disease for no apparent reason and the first college I went to sucked ass, and a 5-year friendship ended in a ridiculous clusterfuck. And 2009 was pretty scary too. Mom got in a car accident, Dad collapsed, Gary crashed his car, and we had to give him Cedric back. I don’t know. Hopefully all this good stuff is my return for everything shitty that has happened the last 4 years.

Okay, so I filled you in until last…fuck it was ten days ago!

Florence. I wasn’t sure if I was going to get a press pass for her until literally the morning of. It hadn’t been that close since Deck the Hall Ball, which was 5 hours before. So I got on Holy Hail’s guestlist, but once I got there they said I couldn’t take pictures after Holy Hail or else they’d take away my camera or something. So I had to be shifty. I literally had to prop my elbow on Libby’s shoulder so her head would block my camera from the security guard’s view. I mean, I got on the list, so I wanted to take pictures of the whole set. Libby was happy though, because Florence in her new favorite, and if she didn’t have to be to school the next day, I would have wanted to stay after and say hi, because Florence Welch is absolutely adorable.

This was one of my favorite shots from the night.


Saturday. Saturday morning I emailed Jaime from the Sasquatch people asking her if she got the email I forwarded from Josh with my assignment letter. She emailed me back a little later telling me that she had, and ten minutes later, she sent me this:

You are all set by the way. Approved!

That was it. And I started to cry. Crying and laughing and shaking and jumping up and down. Millie looked at my like I was a crazy person. I probably sounded like I was a complete nutter, but I didn’t care. No one was home, and I got credentials for the Sasquatch festival. Libby gets my tickets now. She gets to go. I was so nervous that my mother would have to buy her Stubhub tickets for a kajillion bucks, but she doesn’t have to. AND I can sell my Saturday ticket because Libby has prom that day, and I can probably make back any money I use to rent out the badass lens I want. I’m sure I can manage with my 28-135mm, but I REALLY want to rent the 70-200mm from Glazer’s. It’s so badass. And beautiful. And heavy, but I have a monopod that will help with that. Oh god I can’t wait. Just over a month….oh god. 5 WEEKS. 5 WEEKS AND I’M 21. REJOICE, HALLELUJAH!

Okay, I’ll calm down now.

But seriously, 5 weeks isn’t all that far off. I don’t even want to focus on school right now.

There is one buzzkill, but it will turn out better anyway. Laura’s peeps won’t let guests stay, so if I were to go to NJ in July, I’d have to pay for a hotel, and when I heard that, we were like, “hell naw.” So Laura’s gonna come to Portland for her birthday and we’ll party in PDX. I’m kind of gutted that I won’t be able to hang out with Susie in NYC while she’s there, because it’s always nice to meet my WAS peeps in person. And it’s too bad that graduation is the day before Barbara comes out, or else I’d be all for driving to San Francisco to Amber’s for a Barbara release party with penis pasta. D’aww that’d be great. But Libby’s graduating. We’ll do some cool stuff of our own.

Oh my god Libby’s graduating in less than two months. Holy shit.

I have such ADD. What was I saying? OH CONAN. Wait, I wasn’t quite to Conan yet, but I think I got the point across about Sasquatch. It’s awesomely awesome.

Now to Conan.

Mom and I got the cheap seats for Conan’s show at McCaw Hall in the Seattle Center on Monday, and I left before my third class, which is my favorite class, but Conan’s worth it. We got there way too early, so we hung out in the Center for 2 hours before going to the Sport for dinner. I got a turkey sandwich and salad, and the bread I had was so stale. I swear. It was chewy and hard to eat, and dry. Ack. The salad was good though, with crispy fried onion strings. Mmmm. Mom and I didn’t get any Conan merch, but the tee shirts were like $30. And we already paid $37.50 for the show. But now thinking about it, it was worth even the expensive seats at $77.50. If I’d known what was going to happen, I would have paid the $77.50.

Conan’s “Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On Television Tour” was awesome and funny, and we got to see the Masturbating bear, which is now the Self-Pleasuring Panda, which is ridiculous because apparently the Masturbating Bear is NBC’s “intellectual property.” INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. It’s a MASTURBATING BEAR for Christ’s sake! What is NBC going to do with it? And the Chuck Norris lever is NBC’s too, so Conan had to rename it. But we did get some great oldies but goodies. Mom and I would have liked to see “In the Year 2000,” but it was okay that we didn’t. Andy Richter was there, and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog was there, and Reggie Watts opened the show. That reminds me, I have to download some of his stuff. He’s hysterical. But the entire theater gasped in awe when towards the end of the show, Conan was like, “I’d like to bring out my very special guest, Eddie Vedder everyone!”

Wait, what?



It can’t be.

That was mine and mother’s short dialogue as everyone was equally confounded and excited.

And Mr. Vedder walked out on stage and the audience rose into a standing ovation. It was just him and a mandolin. And after everyone sat back down to realize that he was actually standing on that stage, it was silent. He played “Rise” from the Into the Wild soundtrack, and it was so beautiful. So somber and epic, it made mom almost cry. “I want him to sing at my funeral. No really.” Mom and I talk so alike. I got video of the second half of the song, but haven’t uploaded it to Youtube yet. I should probably do that, because I have video of Conan singing too, and a great “local commercial” Andy did for the Fremont troll. “Come see what has mildly impressed out-of-towners for decades, the Fremont troll.” I love Andy.

But Conan can actually sing, and his Strat is wicked.

See! Eddie!

He has aged so well. He’s way better looking now than he was in the 90s.

OH MY GOD THAT REMINDS ME. Soundgarden played a secret show at the Showbox last friday. That was the one piece of fail I incurred this week. I failed to get tickets, but Anna got one, and she said it was amazing. The first show in 13 years, dude that’s amazing. Okay. I think I’m done. I’ll add more videos from Conan’s show if and when I get them posted to Youtube.

For now, I’ll leave you with this wonderful La Blogotheque video of Grizzly Bear. I love them

❤ Abby

Who needs sleep? Not me!

12 Apr


I figure since I can’t really get the reading done for my next class done, I’ll fill everyone in about my abso-freaking-lutely busy week.

No seriously. It’s the busiest my weekend has ever been, and I didn’t even do everything I could do. I still have an ass-ton of homework due Wednesday. So I’ll start from last Wednesday. Wait, no Thursday.

No, Friday. Thursday wasn’t all that exciting. We started layout early, which was nice, but it didn’t really save us any time, because we still didn’t get done yesterday until 10. But anyway, FRIDAY. Friday I had the following tasks: pack for Saturday, purchase two maple bacon doughnuts, drive to school, lay out pages, edit photos, drive to Seattle, find parking, meet Renee, give her a maple bacon doughnut, and see Spoon.

Mkay. Lemme tell you something. I thought I found amazing parking that night. It said $6, right? I paid on the way in, I thought I was done. Not quite. It turns out the next morning I had to pay an extra $24 for the night. $30 for parking. Balls. But now that I think about it, I don’t even care. It was totally worth the next two days. Because while they were ridiculously busy and kinda stressful and I got like 8 hours of sleep over the course of those 2 days, they were terrific. Like, really really really terrific. So after naively parked at the Warwick hotel next to the cute old building Renee was staying in, I walked over to the Moore to get my ticket and photo pass. I got there before Renee, but when she did get there we gorged on doughnut. It was awesome. But when I went to get my photo pass, I walked up to the will-call, gave them my name and said that I was supposed to be on the guest list for a ticket and photo pass. She took out an envelope and pulled out 3 stickers. One of which was my photo pass, but I had no idea what the other two were for.


Needless to say, I squee’d. I was quite confused, like “why do I get these? Why am I here? I’m not this cool. Oh my god life questions!” But I handed one to Renee and it made us even more excited to see Spoon. Like seriously. We got after show passes. How? But then I realized that I didn’t have my ticket, so I went back over to ask if I had a ticket. Thank god I did, so then I was all set. I love the Moore Theater. They don’t check your bags and let you bring water bottles in. That’s the one thing about the Showbox that drives me crazy. You have to pay $1.50 for a water bottle you could have just brought yourself. BUT, when we got inside the theater, no one got there for a good half an hour. Well, it was still pretty empty until like halfway through Deerhunter. Poor Micachu and the Shapes. That’s one thing I hate and love about seated theaters. You don’t have to get there first to get a spot, because you have an assigned spot. But it leaves the theater pretty empty for openers. It’s a shame that not everyone got to see all of Deerhunter’s performance, because it was awesome. Casual, and epic, and awesome. Bradford broke into this long, almost poetic story about being 27 in Seattle at the anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death. And how when he was 12 and it happened, he would say, “I’ll never be 27!” And other things. But that was pretty cool. Then this girl jumped up on stage and started beating Bradford’s guitar with maracas, shaking around the floor like a crazy person and dancing with all the band members. It was adorable. Too bad it was after the 3rd song, it would have made an awesome photo. But I was going to be bad this time. I adhered to the rules. Um…what else? Oh, Bradford kept saying, “this is fucking ridiculous, like what are we doing here?” (Hmmm, I know how he feels.)

After Deerhunter was done, the seat next to Renee’s was still vacant. I could have EASILY sat down right there, but I found my seat. All us photogs (the same ones I always see) piled up to the front to shoot Spoon. Again, we swiftly moved across the non photo pit, and oddly enough, as I was shooting, my phone vibrated telling me that I had an email. One of the other photographers, right across the stage, started following me on Twitter. ??? I dunno, it was funny.

And then they came onstage, and people went apeshit. Which is fitting, because, you know – it’s SPOON. I don’t want to go into too much detail because I still have to write my review for Popwreckoning, and it’ll get really tedious coming up with more adjectives to describe how awesome it was. I’ll just mention that everyone – including all the photographers – started dancing during “The Underdog” like silly fangirls at a Jonas Brothers concert. Okay, maybe I’ll use that description in my feature. It was fun to participate in the dance party. You can’t not dance to that song anyway. It’s so freaking danceable.


I think it was about halfway through Spoon’s set when Bradford came out to play guitar – OH WAIT! Michael Lerner (aka Telekinesis) played snare on a bunch of songs, which was a nice ‘lil local flavor. Back to Bradford, he came out and shimmied across the stage, dancing with Rob like goofballs, and I think it was during “Who Makes Your Money” when he snuck up behind Britt and thrust the guitar neck between his legs. Britt didn’t notice it for a bit, but then he stared down at his crotch and shoved Bradford back and they stumbled and giggled and it was awesome. And I don’t even know when this was either, but Britt looked down into the audience, and this was after I went back to my seat and I couldn’t see what was going on. He took his guitar off and jumped off stage to go into the crowd. Like, right into the crowd. Apparently some old dude was literally sleeping. Out like a light, and Britt went to go wake him up. Again – awesome.

Needless to say – it was all awesome. Afterwards, I made my way back up to the front of the stage to find Renee when she grabbed the set list, because she always gets the set lists. And we went out to the lobby to wait for whatever came next. As soon as the security people started shooing everyone away, I wasn’t sure exactly what we were supposed to do with our after show passes. Good god even when I say it now it sounds so flipping cool. What the hell? So it was us and a few other people who looked legitimately worthy of going backstage into Spoon’s FUCKING DRESSING ROOM. We were led behind the stage, and I turned around the glanced into the empty theater and I almost pissed myself. We climbed a steep set of stairs past Deerhunter’s tiny-ass dressing room where Jim Eno was talking with Micachu and the Shapes, and we heard a bustle upstairs. Spoon’s dressing room was small, but not obscenely small like Deerhunter’s. But still, we were in their dressing room. Renee wasn’t quite as all, “d’uh…I’M NOT WORTHY” as I was, because she’s met them like a gazillion times before. Literally, she’s following their tour right now. And she’s going to make cupcakes for Rob’s birthday this week. At least that’s what she told him. So we stood around for a bit looking like fools who for some reason got after show passes. I still was like, “I’M NOT WORTHY, I’M NOT WORTHY…WTF.” But eventually all the members of Spoon made it our way and we – and I mean Renee mostly – talked to them for a short bit before asking them to sign her set list and my ticket stub. Oh, that’s right here.

So completely running on adrenaline, endorphins and bacon doughnuts, we walked around the corner to Renee’s cute ‘lil rented apartment. $45 a night for cozy dorm-like room? WIN! I don’t know how the hell she finds these places. But I managed to upload and edit my photos that night, because I didn’t feel like sleeping. I couldn’t post them to Flickr until the next day when I found a Tully’s because the internet at the apartment was uber slow. And I didn’t notice this until I uploaded my pictures to Flickr, but I shot most of Spoon’s set in 400 ISO. What the hell? I was so confused how it got to 400 ISO. I shot Deerhunter and Micachu and the Shapes in 1600 ISO, which is what I normally do, but miraculously the pictures on 400 ISO turned out awesome. No wonder they had no noise. I’ll have to shoot shows at the Moore more often. Brilliant lighting = brilliant photos, not to mention much easier. No need to shoot in black and white to relieve the super-saturated red light. Nope, theater lighting is pretty.

Before I move onto Saturday, I’ll post some of my favorite pics from the show. I’m so happy with this set!

Now I can the difference in noise on the Spoon and Deerhunter pics. Britt and Rob are SO CLEAR.

Friday, done.

Saturday, begin.

Saturday morning came way too early. I woke up at about 6, because I couldn’t fall back asleep. So about 4.5 hours is all I had, which actually was probably better than getting 6 hours. I always seem to be really really sleepy on 6 hours of sleep. By that time I’d reached the deep REM cycle. 4.5 hours it’s still nap-mode. But anyway, I woke up and got ready, didn’t take a shower because I was lazy. Just put my hair in a ponytail. I didn’t really know how many blocks I’d have to walk. Turns out I didn’t walk. It was 8 blocks away technically, but you couldn’t walk there without passing through a drug-dealer-infested street. I learned that when I was driving and a bunch of crackheads tried to flag me down in my car. IN MY CAR THEY WERE TRYING TO DEAL. But I missed the turn and ended up going like 5 miles out of my way down to the industrial area, and I got to the Bell Harbor Conference Center with like 2 minutes to spare when I left with 40 MINUTES TO SPARE. Boy do I suck with directions. Really.

I got to the conference center at the exact same time Niki did, and I was still pretty high from endorphins from the night before. Who needs sleep? Not me! We took the elevator up the third floor where everyone else was waiting, and they had free food. FREE BREAKFAST. I was so happy, because when I woke up it was too obscenely early to eat breakfast. 8 am is perfect for breakfast. So we ate our breakfast and I told everyone about my amazing night before, and tried not to sound like I was gloating. If I sounded like I was gloating you guys, tell me. I’m sorry. I like sharing my excitement. And I took my ticket stub out and they all – well some of them – ogled at it. And I squee’d again.

We went to a few sessions, learned a few lessons, and met with some of the Daily staff. Only about half of them came and introduced themselves, but the ones we did meet – Andrew, Lexie, and Nicole – were pretty cool. I can’t even fathom having just one job to do on the paper, which is what they do all the time because it’s daily and they have over 100 people on staff. ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE. We have TWELVE. That was my favorite part of the conference, meeting with them – because they are people that we can legitimately collaborate with, even though I’m starting to hate that word.

Here are some shots of us, sans me, since I was taking the pictures.

We got free lunch too, which was nice. After the conference, I tried to convince any of my fellow Ledgerites to join me at an awesome comedy show with Chris Hardwick, but no one obliged. I actually contemplating not going because I had so much homework due for Wednesday (which I still have not done yet), but then I thought that I’d regret not going. I’ve done that too much this year, and since I’m going to get paid more this quarter, and I might not even go to New York in July, I didn’t feel bad about spending more money on tickets and parking. I found an $8 parking garage a couple blocks away from the Showbox, which was great because it was half the price that I normally pay for parking. Definitely not parking right next to the Showbox anymore. Just let me tell you, I know my way around the Market now. It took me forever to find a place with free wi-fi for me to upload my Spoon pictures. I went into Starbucks naively thinking that I’d get wi-fi since we get it at school, but you needed AT&T. So I left and searched “free wi-fi pike place seattle” on my phone, and they gave me 3 locations. Tullys was about 5 blocks away, so I went to Tullys and uploaded my pictures, bought a chai and waited a ridiculously long time to use the bathroom. I swear this girl spent like 15 minutes in the Tullys bathroom. It pissed me off.

Oh well, because the rest of the night was totally worth waiting to pee and paying $30 for parking the night before and not doing my homework. I just wish I could have shared the experience with someone else. GAH I need to find people to hang out with who live in Seattle. It would surely make my spontaneous trips less lonely.

I stood in line for about a half an hour before they opened the doors, and alas, there were still tickets available! The Showbox set up chairs. CHAIRS. There are never chairs at the Showbox. It was weird. I sat right up front, because no one else did, but I was just a bit off to the left side, near the bathroom and the speakers. I think they started the show around 8-ish. Possibly before that. I dunno. Molly Lewis started the show with funny ukulele songs about breaking up with Wikipedia and a cover of Britney Spears’ “Toxic.” Apparently she might be playing at next month’s “w00tstock 2.0.” Yes. Three hours of nerd and music, featuring WIL FREAKING WHEATON and ADAM FRAKKING SAVAGE. To borrow from Trenton’s vocabulary – ADAM’S A SAVAGE. Okay, nerd tangent over.

Wait, no, nerd tangent NOT over. It’s FAR from over.

After Molly Lewis came Mike Phirman who told some jokes and played some songs. The mic kept cutting out, which led to some funny jokes – both from Mike and from Chris. My favorite joke was about how Mike wants marijuana legalized merely because he has an idea for a business venture. A pot cookie company called Chips A-huh. It’s better when you hear it, but it was funny. I didn’t take any pictures because my crappy camera was dying, but this guy did. Apparently he was part of the Street Team that Chris put together from his Nerdist website.

Here’s some of my favorites from his Flickr page.

So I have even more of a total nerdy fangirl crush on Chris now. It’s ridiculous. He came out with a tiny polo on, and told nerdy jokes about the south, G4, Cracker Barrels, Motorhead, Tacoma, his nerdist street team and tentacle porn. No seriously. Right when Chris got on stage a couple of his street teamers held up signs that said “Hard for Hardwick,” and “You’re my Palate Cleanser.” D’aww. And then a guy who was sitting behind me threw a rolled up poster to Chris on stage. Curious as to what it was, Chris opened it up and it was hentai tentacle porn. And he proceeded on a tangent about how ridiculous hentai is.

This is the only video I found on Youtube from it. They were kinda prohibidado about filming, but this guy didn’t care.

Some girl sitting at the bar kept shouting like “my kids love you on Barnyard!” Chris asked her where she was from, and she said Tacoma and people laughed. It turned into a theme. Apparently Seattleites hate Tacoma. I gotta admit, if I had Seattle all the time, I’d hate Tacoma too. One girl in the front had an awesome purse made from the face of Animal from the Muppets. At some point Chris was like, “oh my god is that your purse? That’s awesome! Can I see that?” And she walked up to the stage and showed it to him, and he proceeded to make noises like Animal, and the girl walked up a little closer and told him that his zipper was down. This was halfway through the show, and his fly was down the entire time. So hilarious.

And toward the end of the show, he brought Mike back on stage to sing some songs – INCLUDING THE PI SONG. At this point there were 3 mics on the floor after they died. The awesomeness of the show KILLED THE MICS. So I think this was the second song they played, but during their “Anything” song, where it’s all about determination, how you can do anything, fly like a bird, unless you’re a girl – Chris decided that he’d croon to the audience. Since it’s a power ballad, he got all up in people’s faces and sang right to them while Mike played guitar onstage and kept singing. Chris started on the right side of the stage, being all ridiculous and serious, and as he got closer to the left side of the stage, he got more and more intense, grabbing people and almost seducing them, right? So he walked up to the guy sitting two seats down from me, and he grabbed his head and shook it around while belting out this song about perseverance.

Then he got to me. Seriously. I kinda got molested by Chris Hardwick. Seriously. He got right up in my face and sang right to me, grabbed my face and started to crawl on me, grabbed my ponytail and I got a faceful of Chris’s chest. I have to say that I awestruck with the WTF-ness of it all, but I kind of enjoyed it. Okay, I was really excited when he grabbed my face. I mean, I see him on TV every week. And he was like, crawling on me.

Come on, stop looking at me like that.

So after the last song, Chris announced that he’d be in the lobby signing stuff and taking pictures, because “apparently people like that.” I stood line in front of these two high school guys, who were clearly nerds themselves. Except in all of this, I didn’t have anything for him to sign. I had $20 bills and the Ledger business cards. But I had my purse. My gun-wielding cougar purse.

I swear, it’s the only thing I had. But maybe I could turn it into a “thing,” where I get all the famous people I meet to sign it, so it’s not just Chris Hardwick and then WAS. I almost felt kinda bad for having the first signature on my bag to not be from WAS, but then I saw what he drew, it made me happy.

And the first thing I thought of to talk about was Spoon, because he mentioned earlier in his set referencing a hypothetical heckler, “hey if we leave now, we can make the last ten minutes of Spoon!”

So I said, “I was strategic and saw Spoon last night so I could see you tonight!”

“Ah, great! I haven’t seen them in a long time, how was it?”

“Awesome. And Britt totally jumped into the crowd to wake up an old guy who was sleeping.”

And Chris looked up from my bag for a second and said, “what the hell, who sleeps during a Spoon concert?!”

“I know, it was ridiculous.” And I said some sort of thank you and asked for a photo, and the guy standing behind me took it with the crappy coolpix.

“It’s really bright.”

“That’s what Photoshop is for.” And Chris laughed. And I squee’d and said thank you again and walked away.

Eeek yay.

I just have to say that there weren’t enough Doctor Who fans in the audience, because when Chris made a DW reference, “Doctor, are we going to take a trip in the TARDIS?” in a British accent, and like four people shouted. I screamed so loud. Seattle needs more Who fans. We really do.

LAST WEEKEND was the Doctor Who series premiere. I have to say that I love Matt Smith. I felt really bad for a bit that I liked him because I felt like I was cheating on Ten, but now I don’t feel as bad. Matt did such a good job. Like a really good job. I so excited for this season. I was house-sitting for Andrea’s old neighbor and their horrific dog, and I downloaded the episode while I was doing nothing surrounded by an incredibly windy day. Heck, I was getting paid $20 a day to do my homework and make sure the dog doesn’t go too apeshit. I’m all for that. So what else better to do than watch Vlogbrothers videos and download Doctor Who? Ahhh, spring break.

I mean, look at Matt. He’s adorable.

I love him. And I love Karen. And I love what Moffat has done so far. I still feel a little nostalgic about the old Tardis and sonic screwdriver, but it’s still early, and I’ll probably end up loving both of them. We need more Doctor Who love, seriously. At least Nerdfighteria is all for the Doctor Who love.

I think I’m done now. Holy hell that was a long, photo-loaded post. But I told you it was a busy weekend. Was I right?

I was right.

❤ Abby

I shouldn’t have titled the last post the way I did.

7 Feb

Because that title belongs to THIS POST. Oh well.

Sorry I didn’t write this yesterday, but I can’t for the life of me remember why I didn’t besides the fact that I was editing pictures a lot, making pie crust, roasting bananas and sweet potatoes, and putting it all together to make a pie. It took most of the afternoon. I forgot the half stick of butter in the filling, but it’s beautiful and tasty just the same.

See? Tasty.

But I didn’t actually post this blog because of pie. No, I saw Editors (NO ‘THE’) on friday. Hells yes.

After an incredibly long day in Olympia meeting with senators and taking photos of our student government being all government-y, and missing the rally that we originally went for (balls!), Lindsay and I left Tacoma at about 6:10, and surprisingly, we made it to Seattle in…40 minutes. On a FRIDAY. It was a sign. Things would be going our way the rest of the night. And when we got to the Showbox, there was parking, and we had plenty of time to kill before getting in line – seeing that the line was hella short. We went over to a Starbucks, merely because we both had to pee, and chillaxed for about 20 minutes before walking back to the line. Soon after, this girl sporting a wicked awesome jacket with an all-over newspaper pattern got in line behind us. Her name was Kathryn, and she’d trekked up to Seattle from Portland to see Editors because Portland wasn’t on their list of tour dates. That always sucks. We soon got to talking, which made the wait in line so much better, and we found out that she’d painted an oil painting of Tom and was planning on giving it to him that night.

Yeah, pretty badass, right?

Kathryn was quite the character, talking about Tom’s face and Chris’s face, but in a way most people wouldn’t mention. She even asked me after I told her I wrote and took photos for a music blog, “if I give you my email address, could you send me the bad pictures?”


“I could paint them.”

“Oh, yeah.”

It was funny.

Once we got into the venue, Lindsay, Kathryn and I got up close and personal with the stage, and it was pleasant wait until the obnoxious teens behind up decided to sit on the floor, inhibiting me from moving. And to make matters worse, they were all touchy feely couples that wouldn’t get off of each other. Yeah, blech. AND, there were these girls standing right off the side of us that were obviously drinking. They spilled all their shit all over the floor, and Kathryn didn’t want to slip on anything so she picked up their bottles and went to go throw them away. Unfortunately a security guard saw and came up to Lindsay and I asking if Kathryn had been drinking. Having been standing with her the entire time, we obviously told him no, and a few minutes later Kathryn came back into the crowd. It was weird, because last week a similar thing happened at a completely different juncture where someone questioned whether or not people I was with had been drinking. I swear to god if someone accuses me of being drunk, I’m just going to stare at them and be like, “do I look like I went to the hospital? Do I look dead?” Sure, I’d be being hyperbolic, but so what? Anyway, that was quite tangential.

The show was absolutely amazing. The first opening band was kind of forgettable, the second wasn’t bad, kinda liked them, but since friday I haven’t stopped listening to An End Has A Start and In This Light and On This Evening. Jesus christ those titles are long. It’s getting kind of tedious to type. But I already posted a draft of my review on Popwreckoning, so it should be up by tomorrow.

It’s like Editors is a completely new band to me. It was that great. Tom is all sexy crazy on stage, teetering on his feet and grasping at the mic, and Chris is just… *phwoar.* Sadly enough I didn’t get that many good ones of Chris because I was standing in the front middle by Tom until right before I couldn’t take pictures anymore. But I do like this one. I like it in black and white, cause before it was REALLY red. The lighting was quite saturated that night, but it was still way better than last week’s Cribs show.

This one’s a little soft, but I like it. It was one of my first shots during the first song – the title track from their last album.

Tom is so much fun to shoot, because he is so charismatic on stage. When you hear Editors, you expect the frontman to stand in one place and not jump on the piano (he didn’t do that on friday, but I’ve been told he does periodically).

Some chicks behind me after I moved to take pictures of Chris got in a girl fight. Well, a little one, but it was still feisty and loud. No eye-gouging or hair-pulling, but their was a shove, and then the obnoxious chicks rolled their eyes and kept acting like idiots.

I LOVE Chris’s Rickenbacker. It’s real similar to Chris Walla’s red one, but black. I want it. And I want to learn how to play a synth. That would be pretty cool, because you could make so many different noises with one soundboard. A Moog to be exact. That would be swell. If I could play a synthesizer, I’d feel like one cool jive turkey.


After an hour and 45 minutes worth of fabulous tunage, including the encore, we tried to grab the set list, but sadly someone else snagged it before us. We went outside and stood by my car to wait and see if Editors were going to come outside. I called mom, and she told me that we HAD to leave by 12:30, seeing that we didn’t get home until almost 2:30 when we saw Phoenix and she flipped out. I was completely ready to not listen to her and wait as long as I could with Lindsay and Kathryn to meet them. Besides, it was only right, because I didn’t want to leave Kathryn out there waiting by herself before she walked to Cornish to stay with her friend for the night. Not that Pike Place is sketchy, but it’s more fun to meet bands when you aren’t by yourself.

Thankfully, at just about 12:30, Chris, Tom, Russell and Ed walked around the corner in the parking lot. Being a little shocked at how sudden it happened, Lindsay and I sat at my car for a couple minutes while Kathryn waltzed right up to them and gave Tom her painting. Linds and I felt kinda like creepers for a bit, but then we walked over and asked Kathryn wanted me to take her picture with them.

Then that opened up the conversation and made it less awkward. After a short bit of introductions, I asked if they liked Seattle, and Ed and Russell mentioned that they’d been up to Capital Hill for a sandwich and coffee. They couldn’t remember where, so Lindsay said something about Starbucks, and they said something about how you can’t go to Starbucks because they’re everywhere. Then Lindsay said something about being embarrassed, and Chris was like, “well I’m holding a jug of milk, so you can’t be that embarrassed” (but in his wonderful Nottingham accent. Tom’s got the sexy singing voice and Chris has the sexy speaking voice. Le sigh.) Ed had a box of Flax cereal too, which was possibly the most random thing ever. We thanked them immensely for coming to Seattle, and said our goodbyes, making sure not to get all fangirly walking back to my car. That lasted until after we hugged Kathryn goodbye and got in my car. Then we went a little nuts with excitement.

I mean, last week I brought Andrea to her first show, and this week I was with Lindsay when she met her first band. Sure, I’ve only met Phoenix before Editors, but it’s still heartwarming to know that I helped them do that.

Well, I’m off to do homework. If you’d like to see the rest of my pictures from the show, go HERE

❤ Abby

in this light and on this evening

1 Feb

I didn’t go to class today because I’m downloading Man Who Shot Liberty Valance…cause that’s all we were doing in film studies today – watching a film. I figured if I could avoid driving over the bridge and paying the toll and taking 4 hours out of the middle of my day when I had a fuckton of other stuff to do – I’d do it.

Oh, right…I need to talk about the Cribs show on saturday!!!!!

^^^That’s a photo of Jemina Pearl, the opener, that I took saturday.^^^

But no, it was so great to able to bring Andrea to her first show. Like, official show. Seriously, the last concert she went to was the Creation Music Festival 3 years ago. Yeah. So this was pretty cool. We arrived in the cold, slightly wet weather and stood in line outside the Showbox, and surprisingly there was barely a line yet. We got a good spot in line. And it turned out to be the most serendipitous spot in line too. The security guard came out to tell everyone the policy on cameras, and these kids standing in front of us glanced at my crumpler and was like, “do you think they’re going to let you bring that in? It’s a pretty legit camera bag.”

I replied with, “oh, I have a photo pass waiting for me in there.”

And their eyes got all wide like, “HOLY CRAP THAT’S SO COOL.”

I felt so cool.

“How’d you get to do that?”
“I write for this online music blog called Popwreckoning.”
“How’d you get writing for them?”
“I saw an ad on Craigslist.”
And they laughed.
“Yeah, I just sent them some of my writing samples, a general idea of what I listen to, and some pictures I’ve taken, and they brought me on. Actually, last month I got to shoot Deck the Hall Ball (I included this because I’d overheard them talking about Muse at DTHB before).”
“That’s so awesome. I’m jealous.”
Muttering to themselves“I wonder if we could get cool passes like that for our school paper…that’d be cool.”
“What school do you guys go to?” (Thinking they were like freshmen at UW or SU).
“Gig Harbor.”
“Really? Oh my god.”
“We’re from Gig Harbor, we went to Peninsula. That’s hilarious. So you guys work on the Sound?”
“No, but we have friends that do.”

And I can’t remember exactly how the rest of the conversation went, I think the tall guy asked about my camera, I showed him my 50mm, and he said he had the same one. It was cool. And I was an idiot not to ask their names or give them mine. Or be like, “hey you should go to Popwreckoning.com in the next couple days and my pictures and a review will be up there.” Dumbass. But it was funny.

Once we got in, the venue still did not crowd up really at all until halfway through Jemina Pearl. And still, most people were at the bar. I’d say 2/3 of the people were there because they really liked the Cribs, and 1/3, who were much older, were there just to see Johnny Marr.

Yes, Johnny Freaking Marr. This was one of my favorite shots of the night. But I had to brighten the shit out of my pictures because it was so damn dark for the first three songs. The lighting got better though, after I shut my camera off. Balls. But overall, I was satisfied with my pictures, and even more satisfied with the show. I swear to god Gary and Ryan Jarman have the coolest Yorkshire accents. I like them.

Like this, but older and male.

Anyway, it was awesome. All these teenagers up front were thrashing around, where Andrea and I escaped it after I was done taking photos. But we still have a perfect vantage point to see Johnny Marr, and Ryan and Gary. It’s kinda crazy, because they’re twins, but Gary is way more attractive. Andrea thought so too.

Here are some more pics.

I still need to go write my review for Popwreckoning, cause I haven’t done that yet.

❤ Abby

holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap.

15 Dec


I just got a photo pass for Deck the Hall Ball.

Oh. My. God.

I only get to shoot the first three songs from each band. But I get in free. So my ticket goes to Laura. And I get to shoot some of my favorite bands. Best way to end the year. I knew it would all work out. I KNEW IT!


This is how I feel right now, except for bacon, it should say “FOTO PASSS”

I’m done.

❤ Abby

They’re Ridiculously Awesome.

28 Nov

(This was posted on PopWreckoning this morning.)

As the first part to a tribute to Northwest music, the Showbox lit up Pike Place Friday night with local favorites The Lonely Forest of Anacortes, and Telekinesis and The Globes of Seattle. Just to say how much Seattle loves their locals – even before the doors opened up, the line curled around the block as horse-drawn carriages rode by on the rare rain-free night.

The Globes were up first. Lacking a record deal, but with nothing lacking in the talent department, The Globes were a great way to start the show – bringing in a mixture of shoegazing guitar rock and raw indie pop. Guitarist Kyle Musselwhite provided almost Thom Yorke-like vocals next to lead vocalist Erik Walters’ high-energy wails, bassist Sean McCotter’s low-key vibe and drummer Marcus Ourada’s excellent beats. They were just experienced enough to have the charisma to hold the room, but with just a little more stage time, they’d be just as charming as the two bands that followed. And with their first LP coming out soon, The Globes are one of Seattle’s emerging indie acts that show the promise of what our region has to offer the next few years.

After The Globes’ short half-hour set, Telekinesis came to set up their equipment, with one rare addition. My friends and I were standing right off to the left of center by the stage, and I swore Chris Walla of Death Cab for Cutie was tuning his Rickenbacker. I turned to my friend and asked, “Is that Chris Walla?”

“No, it can’t be. It’s gotta be some guy that looks totally like him.”

“That’s Chris Walla. I’m not kidding. Look.”

And I must tell you; my friend is a diehard Death Cab for Cutie fan, so she of all people should know who and who isn’t Chris Walla. But this time, I was right. Chris joined Michael Lerner (a.k.a. Telekinesis) and his touring band for this one-night Seattle engagement. Just because. Lerner later mentioned Chris as one of the people who was responsible for his record being released. He said that, “he made me write this record.” Signed to Merge Records in early 2009, Lerner has been touring for most of the year with David and Jodie Broecker and Chris Staples as his live band, and the unconventional stage lineup threw me off a bit, but made the night more interesting. Lerner sat at the drumkit as he sang on most of the songs, and the unexpected cameo by Walla excited the crowd like they should be on a Friday night at 10 p.m.

I would have liked to have heard “Awkward Kisser,” just cause it’s such a damn cute song, but Lerner played the lot of the songs off his eponymous debut released in April – a few highlights being “Tokyo,” “Coast of Carolina,” and “Foreign Room.” My sister especially liked “Calling All Doctors,” with its distinctive hook of a repeated “twitchin, twitchin.” There were a couple songs where Lerner got up off the drums and stood with his acoustic guitar by himself while the rest of the band lounged on the floor. “I Saw Lightning” was a perfect example of a Seattle ballad – heartfelt and not overdone. Like one of those songs you can sing to your girlfriend at an open mic and not sound too amateurish.

And I must say how epic David Broecker’s mustache was. It truly was amazing.

Right on schedule, headliners the Lonely Forest graced the stage at just after 11 p.m., right as my feet started to ache. The Showbox had become even more crowded than when we first arrived, which again shows how much buzz this band has gotten with the locals. Lead guitarist and vocalist John Van Deusen actually started off the set with “can I get a shout out to Anacortes!” and the room threw up their arms and cheered with pride.

The Lonely Forest manages to bring together emotional piano pop with heavy, complex indie rock, without sounding generic in the slightest. Their newest album We Sing the Body Electric, released on Burning Building Records earlier this year, is easily one of the most dynamic and, dare I say, best of the year. Van Deusen, along with guitarist Tony Ruland, bassist Eric Sturgeon and drummer Bradyn Krueger started off the holidays just how they should be – full of vigor. By halfway through their set the Lonely Forest had the whole room jumping to the sound of Ruland’s badass guitar licks and Van Deusen’s weathered voice with tracks from We Sing the Body Electric, “Two Pink Pills,” and “Tomato Soup.” They also played “Soil Silt and Clay,” from their first LP, 2007’s Nuclear Winter, a concept album about the world ending and the protagonist’s escape from destruction through space travel.

One of my favorite songs of the night was “They’re On To Something,” a fast and guitar-heavy track with a shy piano line and the perfect beat for the lively crowd to dance around to. But it wasn’t until towards the end of the night where most of the people surrounding me on the teeming floor sang along to “We Sing In Time,” the undeniably catchy pop song with a killer building hook. Once the band stepped off stage, people immediately started shouting for an encore, and as it’s become standard practice, The Lonely Forest walked back out for not one – but two – songs for an encore.

You’d never think that Van Deusen spent time in rehab and Ruland almost died after a stint in the hospital two years ago. But then again, with how much passion The Lonely Forest has both on their record and in a live setting, one has to wonder where they get their fire.

More news of the good nature

20 Nov

I also got a spot on the guest list for another gig in Seattle, this one on 11/27 at the Showbox at the Market. Featuring these bands:

The Lonely Forest


The Globes

The Showbox at the Market. November 27th. $10 advance, $12 DOS. Be there or be square. I will be. For free, with my photo passes BITCHES!

And btw, I did get a +1 for the Rooney/Tally Hall/Crash Kings show, so that’s another good thing that happened in the last couple days. I finally got the contact information for Deck the Hall Ball, so hopefully *crosses fingers* he gets back to me soon about a possible list spot. Good god that would be awesome. I’m pretty sure I’d piss my pants if that happened.


And 107.7 The End is doing more Deck tix giveaways this week at 9am, 2pm, and 5pm every day starting monday morning. Cause by now, you know that the tickets are sold out. Sadly enough. But come on, it’s Muse. I would be disgusted if it hadn’t sold out as quickly as it did.

Mkay, that’s all I had to say. I was thinking of going to see Brandi Carlile tomorrow night at a free in-store at Easy Street, but I have far too much to do and I didn’t feel like braving the ridiculous friday afternoon rush hour. And two shows within a week’s time is pretty good for me.

Off to listen to brain-orgasm-inducing live recordings of Animal Collective I acquired two days ago. God I love them. If you haven’t noticed that already.

❤ Abby

Guess what, y’all?

16 Nov

I got a spot on the guest list for a show featuring:


Tally Hall

Crash Kings

I know it’s not that special considering all the guest spots my fellow PopWreckers have acquired, but this feels pretty damn cool.

I am finally legit. Hells yeah.

El Corazon, Wednesday, Dec. 2. $13 in advance, $15 DOS. Be there. It’ll rock. And I’m ON THE LIST.


Oh happy monday.

And there's a chance a certain member of a certain band I like will be at the show too. And that would be awesome. That would be the coolest thing EVER. I'm just glad that it's the week BEFORE finals. And Deck the Hall Ball is the week AFTER finals. December is going to be the greatest month ever.

No wait, December through March will be the best FOUR months ever. Dec – awesome shows, christmas, winter break. Jan – new Spoon record, still winter break. Feb – NEW FUCKING WE ARE SCIENTISTS RECORD. Mar – spring break, new Frightened Rabbit record. April will probably suck, but May will be better (21st!)

Alright, off to do homework. Woot for waiting until the last day of the weekend to finish homework!

❤ Abby

Mkay. I’ve got a plan.

14 Nov

See these bands?:

Well, they’re all playing Deck the Hall Ball this year, and I’m super stoked for it. The one problem facing me right now is the price of the tickets. $44.50 isn’t all that bad to be honest, but GD Ticketbastard feels like charging us all huge convenience charges. $56 with the fees for christ’s sakes. Seriously. I’m hoping to get a press pass for this amazing shindig being held at the WaMu Theater on 12/15, but I feel like for my own insurance, I need to buy a ticket. I really do.

And the tickets go on sale to the general public very soon – specifically at 10a today (11/14), and I’ve heard that there are a small number of tickets left. Not sure what “small” is in comparison to the total number of tickets, but if you didn’t get them during the pre-sale yesterday, like I didn’t, get them soon. And most likely as you read this, get them NOW. But, if you don’t, 107.7 The End will be having contests giving away tickets most days of the week.

This is where my plan comes in. I’m gonna buy tickets right now, or at 10a, and have my tickets in case nothing else follows through. But I’m also gonna try to win tickets. That way, I could bring my sister, as a Christmas present. BUT, I’m also going to try to get a press pass (which would void the need for my ticket, hopefully). Seriously, this would be the most amazing show to shoot. Wouldn’t it? I think so. But with my extra ticket, if you so happen to miss out buying your ticket – I’ll sell mine to you at the exact price I paid for mine – $56. But if no one wants to, I’ll sink to the level of Stubhub, and sell my ticket for big bucks. Well, not BIG bucks, but higher than I bought them for. People are already selling their Deck tickets there for anywhere from $75-$249. Really. It’s kind of disgusting how people get these days. I’ll be generous and give people a relatively low price, but that’s only IF I can a press pass (*crosses fingers*).

Mkay, time to go to the gym. Well, actually I gotta buy my ticket, then go to the gym.

❤ Abby